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About us

Our main goal is to liberate, create clarity and instil peace. We want you to live your full potential and be joyful. Our coaching has liberated individuals from their perceptions, fears and negative thoughts which keep them in unproductive relationships/places. Our services will empower you to improve you, your relationships and productivity in whatever you do.

Portal Coaching was founded by Renee Rajkumar, who has trained in NLP, solution based coaching, business coaching and hypnotherapy. Renee started Portal Coaching to work with companies and individuals to get clarity on who they are, life, work and relationship issues. She has always had big dreams and aspirations for herself and others realising there is power in our thoughts and words to achieve and excel or merely get by. To be just "not too bad" or to be "great!" . 


Recognising it is not always easy to take control of our minds, Renee is motivational and inspiring, challenging your beliefs and behavioural patterns to break cycles of negativity and replace them with positive actions.

Renee strongly believes that with love in your heart and in your thinking for yourself and others, new insights can be revealed to enhance happiness. Her approach involves working with you and sharing her techniques based on this principle and own personal experience to help you achieve clarity, calm and fulfilment. Every minute of everyday gives a new opportunity to have a better experience in life...take it! Never settle for anything less. The world is waiting for your greatness, let's bring it!

About Us: About Me
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